BIS Certification
Effective April 3rd, 2013 the Indian Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) issued the Compulsory Registration Order 2012.
Certain products are now required to comply with Indian safety standards and obtain BIS Registration for electronic products before they can be imported, distributed or sold into India.
The number of product categories is quickly expanding.
RUDHRAKSH CONSULTANTS can determine if your products currently require BIS certification for imported goods and Online BIS certificate in India.
BIS Registration is essential for all the electronic products which are listed in Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS) and get to be sold in India. All foreign and Indian manufacturers need to apply for this registration to ensure flawless export and selling of the product into Indian market. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard), Delhi Office undertake a thorough analysis of the product quality and functioning and thereafter issue the BIS Registration certificate.